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Create your own wedding website
Create your own wedding website
Create your own wedding website? Start now

Invitation to our wedding

Dear guests,

we cordially invite you to our wedding on July 10, 2023 in Hamburg.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you want to celebrate our wedding with us.

Best wishes,

Julia and Max

Please note: This is the demo website from WeddyBird and not a real wedding website. If you have landed here, although you actually wanted to visit the website of a bridal couple, please check the invitation again and call the URL as provided.


  • 143 Days
  • 17 Hours
  • 25 Minutes


Here you will find all details regarding the locations and the arrival information.

  • Civil wedding

    Registry office Jork, May 10, 2025 at 9:00 AM

    The civil wedding takes place with our close family only.

    Address: Am Gräfengericht 2, 21635 Jork

  • Church wedding ceremony

    St. Johanniskirche, July 13, 2025 at 3:00 PM

    There is limited parking, so please arrive on time or use public transportation.

    Address: Bei der Johanniskirche 16, 22767 Hamburg

  • Wedding party

    Landhaus Hoisdorf, July 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM

    Summery festive clothes. There will be a big party!

    If you have any special wishes concerning the food (vegan, lactose intolerance, etc..) please let us know!

    Address: Dorfstraße 14, 22955 Hoisdorf


Here you can find our wedding schedule.

  • 3:00 PM - Ceremony

    Please arrive on time at the church, as there will be another wedding ceremony directly after us.

  • 4:00 PM - Group photo in front of the curch

    We would be happy to take a photo with all guests in front of the church.

    Afterwards everyone has some time to rest until we continue at the country house at 7 pm.

    Meanwhile we will take pictures with our photographer.

  • 5:00 PM - Champagne reception at the country house

    Don't worry - there will also be something to eat :)

  • 7:00 PM - The big party!

    We will eat, celebrate and maybe listen to some speeches as well.

    We look forward to celebrating our big day with you.

Love is the only thing that doubles when you share it.

- Albert Schweitzer -


Are you looking for accommodation nearby? You can find possible accommodation here.

  • Forsthaus Seebergen

    Since we are celebrating a little bit outside of the city, an overnight stay in the nearby Forsthaus Seebergen is a good idea.

    With the code "Julia&Max" you will get special conditions when booking a room!

    Address: Seebergen 9-15, 22952 Lütjensee


Please let us know if you can make it by June 13, 2025.

Please note: This is the demo website from WeddyBird and not a real wedding website. If you have landed here, although you actually wanted to visit the website of a bridal couple, please check the invitation again and call the URL as provided.

Our Wedding ABC

  • A
    Arrival: We expect our guests to arrive on July 10th, 2021 at two o'clock in time for the open ceremony.
  • B
    Busses: In order to get home in a more relaxed fashion, shuttle busses will be available.
  • C
    Cake: We will be having the wedding cake in the afternoon.
  • D
    Dogs: Not a problem. Just give us a heads-up about whether or not you want to bring a four-legged friend.
  • E
    Energy: will be needed to party all night long.
  • F
    Food: please let us know if you are vegetarian or vegan, so we can make arangements.
  • G
    Gifts: will only be unpacked the day after the party.
  • H
    Hotels: we listed some recommendations on our wedding website.
  • I
    I do: This is what we are going to say!
  • J
    Julia is the name of the bride.
  • K
    Kinds are welcome as well.
  • L
    Love: that's what our wedding is all about.
  • M
    Midnight snack: of course ;-)
  • N
    Nobody has to starve
  • O
    Open end.. we party as long as we want to!
  • P
    Parking is limited at the church.
  • Q
    Questions: if you have any questions just contact us.
  • R
    Rain: do not worry about rain, it will not rain! ;-)
  • S
    Smile with us on this wonderful day! :)
  • T
    Thank you: Thanks in advance for making this day special.
  • U
    Unforgettable: Let's make this day unforgettable for every one of us.
  • V
    Video: Our videographer will film our ceremony.
  • W
    Wedding: what this is all about.
  • X
    X-legs are not an excuse to skip dancing
  • Y
    Yes, we do
  • Z
    Zebra: our favorite animal


The greatest gift of all is for us to celebrate this wonderful day together with you. If you still want to support us, we have the following wishes, which we would be very happy about.

  • Our household is complete, so we think it would be better not to give us nice things. Let our piggy bank laugh instead.

    With the following link you can send us a gift of money via PayPal.

    Click here for our gift list
  • On Amazon we have created a wish list from which you can choose something.

    Click here for our gift list

Gift list

The greatest gift of all is for us to celebrate our special day with you. If you still want to give something, here's a little selection of things we would like.

Our witnesses

Bitte wendet euch an unsere Trauzeugen, wenn ihr "vertrauliche" Fragen vor der Hochzeit habt :-)

Please contact our wedding witnesses if you have "confidential" questions before the wedding :-)

  • Tobias

    Best man

    "Tobias and I are Best Buddies since kindergarten. Together we have experienced a lot! All the more I know that I can rely on him on this day!" - Max

  • Natalie

    Maid of honor

    "I met Nathalie during my studies. Since then we are an absolute dream team, both professionally and privately! - Julia

Guest book

Hinterlasse uns gerne ein paar Grüße


Here you can find FAQs and answers.

Wedding couple

The moment we literally "walked over our feet" in 2014 feels like it was yesterday. "Meeting your dream partner in the theater? That only happens in films!" - And yet, all this time has given us so many beautiful and unexpected moments that have welded us together.

All the travels, adventures, challenges and funny moments of the past years will become part of our celebration in a special way. And so every one of you will also get a role in our personal history.

The main actor is of course our love, from the first day until today, which we would like to celebrate together with you. And we are very happy about every one of you who makes our day unforgettable.


"I still remember the moment I knew: I simply had to marry her! You were lying in bed next to me in the morning, we had just moved into our first apartment together. The dishevelled hair, the satisfied look, your closeness and the endless love-all this is what makes my heart beat faster every day.

- Max -


"They say every pot finds the right lid... I only believe this since I met you. As different as we are, our hearts beat in the same beat. Reading my wishes from my eyes? Child's play for you! Because you make me laugh even when I actually feel like crying. That's exactly why I would never want to miss any day with you!"

- Julia -

Hochzeitsallee 1, 12345 Hamburg

Contact us

Do you have any questions or just want to say "hello"? We look forward to your message!